Sunday, March 02, 2008

word wrapping in emacs

  1. More cursor to any existing paragraph
  2. Hit Control+u and then Meta+q

This is where I got the info from.

Also interesting in this regard is this page.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Windows Explorer folder sizes

I always wanted to make Windoes explorer display the folder sizes just as it does for files. Here is the solution. Enjoy !!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

proxy and yum

We have a proxy authentication system at our university and we need to use yum to install softwares on Fedora system. I usually do this after I become root but I don't store my proxy login and password on the system for security reasons. So I have put the following in the .bashrc file in my root home directory.

function proxy(){
echo -n "username:"
read -e username
echo -n "password:"
read -es password
export http_proxy="http://$username:$"
export ftp_proxy="http://$username:$"

So after I become root
I invoke this function by typing
#proxy at the command prompt
and it works like a charm.

have fun with yum and proxy :D

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

default font in emacs

here is a very simple way to set the default font in emacs.

i m assuming that the target os is GNU/Linux.
my choice of font is Misc 9x15.

1) edit the .emacs file in your home directory to add the following line
(set-default-font "9x15")

thats it !!!

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Control+Alt+Del during Remote Sessions

pressing Control+Alt+Del during a remote session does not bring up the TaskManager, in order to do that use Control+Alt+End .

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

C syntax highlighting in VIM ( GNU/Linux )

to turn on the syntax highlighting in VIM do the followling

1) escape to the command mode
2) the give the following command
3) :sy on

that did it on my SuSe 10.1 system.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

check ur linux version

$ cat /etc/redhat-release