Saturday, February 25, 2006

Export sound using artsd

Just like one can use export DISPLAY=ip-addr:0 for viewing x-apps of a diffrent machine on his machine he can use artsd to do same with sound. Suppose a user working on machine APPLE connects to remote machine TRINITY he can just use command
$ export ARTS_SERVER=:port
where port can be any number say 5001 in this case to listen to sound apps running on TRINITY on APPLE. But for this he will have to configure arts. Go to APPLE's Control Center->Sound->Sound System. Select Enable network transparency. Then in Sound I/O tab select other custom options and enter say -p 5001 -u . Now just press OK.
note :: 5001 is the port and can be set to any value.
Warning :: option -u given to arts is insecure and anybody can export sound to APPLE and play audio without any authentication

Source is ::